Happy New Year!


We are excited to announce our first crowd fundraiser on IndieGoGo and our support of and collaboration with Mandy Morrison for her amazing performance and video project Journey of the Invader Spirit: A Space of Abandonment and Hope which will open at The Peale Center in Baltimore, Maryland on January 21, 2023.

Peat and Repeat was launched during the pandemic with the mission of creating an income stream for artists, many of whom are and were operating without a safety net.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation before the end of 2022.

Now, we have a great opportunity to use the IndieGoGo platform to bring more attention to new art project(s) that we are launching and supporting.

Our fundraiser will last 60 days but with Mandy’s exhibition less than 4 weeks away we are aiming to generate funding sooner rather than later.

You can check out what we’re doing, and what kind of perks you can get on the IndieGoGo campaign page.

We are grateful for all size donations.

You can also make a tax-deductible donation on our donate page by tomorrow night for your 2022 taxes.

Or consider buying a print or a drawing.

Thank you for your support!!!


New Works . New Year . Full Moon .
